Do you have “FEAR of not having Faith in your own self”?

As I narrated in my last blog, let us focus on the Second type of fear that most people experience: the FEAR of not having Faith in Oneself – This fear fundamentally works like a survival instinct. It’s a response when we sense danger, feel unsafe, or whenever we start seeing ourselves as big. What you fear is being pushed out of your comfort zone. This type of fear, in effect, puts you in a comfort zone to merely survive; after all, it’s a survival instinct, Right?
It seems to be attractive at the beginning, but it stops you from growing into what you could have grown into. Let me tell you an interesting inspiring story my father told me when I was a kid essentially a moral short story.
There was once a boy named Ram who did what nobody believed he could do at his age. Ram was six years old while Shyam was four; they were very close friends living in a small village named Uttpal in Maharashtra. One day, as an exploration, they went a little too far away from the village, and while they were running, Shyam fell into a Quarry (a place where sand and stone are dug out of the ground and filled with water) and got stuck in one of the cut rocks. He started blaring loudly because he didn’t know how to swim, and his leg got hurt from being stuck between two cut rocks. He dreaded, he would drown and eventually die. Ram was terrified and shouted out loud for help but there was no one to help them. He knew Shyam couldn’t swim, and if he didn’t help him, he would drown to death. Ram jumped into the Quarry without a thought and swam underneath the water first to remove Shyam’s stuck feet. Since the water was muddy, he couldn’t find the exact location. With a deep dive of almost 8-10 feet, several times, and almost after 4th attempt, he saw and dislodged Shyam’s feet from the crack. Being so young, Ram gasped for air; after all, he was only 6 years old. Now, the bigger task was to get Shyam, who weighed almost 18 kg, to the bay of the Quarry. Ram weighed only 24 Kg and somehow managed the impossible task of bringing Shyam to safety.
Both of them dashed towards their home and when they narrated their families and the villagers about the event nobody believed them because Ram was too young and puny to even lift an 8-10 kg bag. Nobody believed, including their parents, that Ram could have pulled Shyam out of the Quarry when that, too, his feet were stuck in between the rocks. Only an elder and experienced man, Uncle Krishna, believed them. All the villagers turned to Uncle Krishna and asked him, “Only you looked convinced of this cooked-up story, and you are taking their version seriously; why so?” Uncle smiled and said, “I completely believe that Ram did swim and dived several times, holding his breath to dislodge Shyam’s stuck feet and then gathering all the strength to drag Shyam to the bay.” “And I believe so, as at that time, there was nobody to tell him that he couldn’t do it, even though he was not in a situation to ponder this thought.”
The story culminates in the fact that it’s only Faith and Belief in oneself that can help you see doing Big in life, Faith in seeing yourself big professionally and personally. As rightly said, “We lack faith in what exists within us, essentially as we lack faith in who exists within us.”
But always remember, Faith cannot come to us in moments that are convenient; it all depends on how serious and genuine you are about the “Reasons to Get Up in the Morning.”
Faith results in Action, Perseverance, Belief, Decisiveness and Systematic Up-gradation of Self (SUS).
Are you still in your comfort zone and afraid of achieving new personal and professional heights? Then, this blog post is for you! Do let me know your opinions on
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Nice moral to learn and implement in once life