Charudutt Katare

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Most of the time, it’s never about oneself; it’s all about the thought and legacy you and I would leave for generations to follow… Welcome to my page… Here, you will see every philosophy of life come to life!

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I’m Charudutt Katare; if you want to know who I am? Then let me share this with you, I worked in the pharmaceutical field for more than 27 years; where I was Vice President at the age of 37, then Sr. Vice President at 40, and then I became Associate President of a leading Pharma company. This was my work profession in a nutshell, BUT that’s not all! What I want to share, as Charudutt Katare, is life philosophies that actually worked in my life and others too!

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Genuine Triggers, True Reflection And Passion & Vision Of Life

Chasing your visions and passion by kindling your own genuine “Triggers”
only can embark you onto the journey of transformation and success

Charudutt Katare