Charudutt Katare


I’m Charudutt Katare; if you want to know who I am? Then let me share this with you, I worked in the pharmaceutical field for more than 27 years; where I was Vice President at the age of 37, then Sr. Vice President at 40, and then I became Associate President of a leading Pharma company. This was my work profession in a nutshell, BUT that’s not all! What I want to share, as Charudutt Katare, is life philosophies that actually worked in my life and others too!

Know More About Me


I’m Charudutt Katare; if you want to know who I am, then let me share with you, my true reflection something that I love every single bit of it. I worked for more than 27 years in the Pharmaceutical industry in the capacity of being a Vice President at the age of 37, Sr. Vice President at 40 and then being an Associate PRESIDENT for a leading Pharmaceutical company.


I owe this professional scaling to my educational background. I pursued my Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy and then secured a MBA degree in Marketing. Thereafter I did my corporate executive programs at IIM Ahmedabad & IIM Bangalore.

My Childhood & Genuine Triggers

According to me, my childhood was the best of all. Genuinely had no remorse for not having toys to play with when I was 6-8 years old. I used to visit my village during summer vacations and learned every trait of farming including, How to drive a bullock cart, How to graze domestic cattle, and every trait that gave me my space, and my identity. So climbing trees or mountains, swimming in lakes or fishing was never a novice act. And today how much do I miss my childhood. I have made these memories of enjoyment an integral part of life.

Not very long, 21 years ago, I was still staying in a house that was all cramped for space, and we as a family were struggling to maintain even a modest lifestyle. And when you are in such a situation, you tend to start believing in destiny; you get a feeling that every struggle you face is a part of the larger conspiracy all aimed towards you by life. The most convenient way then is to accept whatever is served by life. And when you fail to rise, then you start sinking into a mud trap of fitting yourself into the larger ecosystem, many times that is not relevant and non-existent. What set me free from this entrap were my genuine triggers that became an integral part of my life philosophies that fall under the larger concepts of Life Leadership. Most of my life philosophies are small branches of a larger tree-the concepts of Life Leadership, that primarily aims at leading your own and your family’s life on a successful and progressive path.

My Belief

I always felt that no curriculum, no books & to my knowledge, not many mentors have explained the concept of Life Leadership & more importantly, shown the way to apply it in their personal & professional life to achieve great heights.

I feel it is my moral responsibility to propagate the concepts of Life Leadership that have helped me grow personally and professionally and also helped my colleagues and teams operational at every level of management to achieve their personal and professional visions.

Work-Life balance

I would be honest that at age 27-45 years, my work-life balance ratio was tilted towards my professional career more than my family and I felt that it was the right way, yet I reversed this ratio once my set mark of monetary success and visions were achieved. I always feel if one fails to understand this, then life becomes a grind, and you lose a lot of personal life moments, a regret many “successful individuals” carry on their death bed. I designed my retirement at the age of 50, where my concept of retiring meant not working for anyone else. Now besides my work routines, I enjoy my daily work out; enjoy my family time on the weekends as well cook different cuisines which I was always passionate about, but hardly could spare time for. One thing I never miss is one domestic and international trip with my family once a year. My understanding says enjoy every success, every milestone with your family. Life is a beautiful journey, enjoy your milestones, this celebrations and excitement will help you achieve greater heights and remove monotony and the grind.

Thought that led to write

For last 2 decades when I use to conduct MDP’s (Manager Development Programs), interact with my colleagues as well with MBA students I got to hear a common concern. Most of them use to say “It’s very difficult to relate to motivational speeches or bestselling books that give examples from life journeys of great individuals. And once we quickly realize that such individuals are exceptions to the society and when the feeling creeps in, that it’s difficult to scale such heights, we stop visualizing and fantasying. We get back to our day to day professional and personal routines. They used to pose me a question ” Do we have individuals who have scaled heights that are conceivable and doable “?

My Narrative

My narrative, “Carrying the Burden of 7 Regrets on a Death bed” is not about those great individuals who are one of their kind or prodigy, it’s about my own professional and personal experience and interactions with individuals who scaled great heights and reached the level of being called by the society at large, successful both personally and professionally. Now, you’re visiting this website; means by any chance, you’ve watched one of my videos and want to know more about the concept of ‘Life leadership- a reflection of true you, which is under my narrative ‘Carrying the Burden of 7 Regrets on a Death bed.” Then subscribe to my YouTube Channel to see the concept of Life Leadership unfold.