Why are you merely surviving when you are meant to be on the top of the Eco-system?

My last blog focused on “Why do people struggle to exist, struggle to get noticed,” as it culminates into the fact that it’s all about what we do in our professional lives that eventually culminate into our personal lives.
It’s been observed that most of us make our professional life (and at times personal as well) superficially interesting but fundamentally irrelevant. One of the biggest reasons why most struggle to exist in the corporate world is they do not practice the concepts of “Life Leadership.”
Unfortunately, there is no curriculum and very few books & to my knowledge, not many mentors have explained this concept & shown the way to apply it in their personal & professional lives.
The path of entering the real professional world or for you wanting to scale leadership positions can be embraced more comprehensively if one understands the meaning of “Life Leadership.” In brief, “Life Leadership” is about how an individual leads his & more importantly, his family’s life on a progressive, successful path.
As rightly said, life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see. When was the last time one has pondered on his or her own reflection, his or her own space? Believe me or not, it reflects the truth if seen honestly.
Most of us accept whatever is served by life, waiting for the things around us to change what I call “Born by Default, Lived by Default & Died by Default.” This concept of “Life Leadership” already exists & has been utilized by many top leaders to unleash their own potential & as a result, it has been reflected in the next generation, too.
Triggers provide the reason to “Get Up In The Morning, the core essence of life leadership. The real reason there are fewer crowds at the top of the ladder in the corporate world is that only a few have a reason to “Get Up Every Morning” even after achieving multiple peaks in their life. And all those who struggle eventually fit themselves in the “Eco-System” of this corporate world.
Yes, I do address this as an “Eco-system,” and similar to any natural ecosystem, there exists floras, faunas, viruses, bacteria, deer, bears, cows, lions, tigers, elephants, and most importantly at the top, the humans the most evolved species yet.
Oh! Did I forget to mention monkeys, as they form the most integral component of any ecosystem? Be careful of them at every juncture, as they are the most notorious yet very interesting. They enter your houses and your space, disturbing and destroying a lot of things. They snatch things from your hands and run away. They would jump from one tree to another, many times, wiling their entire day. I understood, watching many documentaries, that they do not even spare the lions and tigers of the jungle; they dare to pull the tails and slap them on their face, just to put some perspective on the characteristics of such monkey like individuals in the real life.
In this ecosystem, all those who cannot excel at the top of the system merely survive and try to fit in. And not to discredit anyone, every living thing in the ecosystem, whether a monkey or the flora and fauna, everyone plays a role willingly or unwillingly. Only issue prevails, when you were meant to be at the top of the ecosystem, why are you now fitting to survive? There is a huge difference between survival and leaving a mark of your existence. Why do, after years of working in an organization, individuals merely survive; they fail to excel and mark their existence? Do they fail to get notice?
Principally, this holds true for all those who do not Love themselves or do not love the way they see their reflection in the mirror, the way their body looks, the way they see their life shaping up in the next 3 to 5 years. Ask yourself this question time and again: “Do I love what I see of myself in the mirror?” Ponder over this important expression of life until we meet with my next reading, a new blog.